Enter to win SERVPRO of Glenview's Raffle!
6/27/2019 (Permalink)

On Saturday, June 29th, the Glenview Chamber of Commerce is hosting their annual Glenview Summer Fest! Join us for a fun-filled day at Jackman Park, located at 1930 Prairie Street in Glenview, from 9:00am til 3:30pm.
Our #SERVPROStormTroopers will be in attendance at this fun annual event! Be sure to stop by to get your picture taken with our StormTroopers!
The team at SERVPRO of Glenview is excited to announce that we will be holding a Summer Fest Raffle for a $100 Visa GiftCard!
Sadly, our fearless leader, Jeff Thompson, will not be at this year's Summer Fest because he will be attending SERVPRO's 50th Annual Convention, being held in Sacramento, CA.
But no worries... In his absence, we will have a life-sized cutout of Jeff at Summer Fest!
TO ENTER THE DRAWING for the $100 Visa GiftCard, you have to:
- Go to Summer Fest and FIND "Jeff" - not the real Jeff, the "Jeff" cutout
- Take a selfie with "Jeff"
- Here's the biggie: Post the selfie on your social media and TAG SERVPRO of Glenview in your post (see tags provided below)
- Make sure you Like or Follow SERVPRO of Glenview on your favorite social media
After Jeff returns from California and gets up to date on what he missed at the office, on Wednesday, July 3rd, we will have a facebook Live Video to announce the raffle winner of the $100 Visa GiftCard!
Watch our facebook feed - we'll announce the time of our video that morning. Be sure to tune in! If our winner is online and watching our video, we may invite you to appear on screen with us!
Remember, to qualify for the raffle, you have to Like/Follow our page, post your selfie on your favorite social media page, and don't forget to tag us in it!
Facebook: TAG BOTH @SERVPROGlenview AND Jeff Thompson (Owner Operator at SERVPRO of Glenview)
Instagram: @SERVPRO_of_Glenview
Twitter: @SERVPROGlenview (Jeff Thompson)
Look for our upcoming community events on the Events tab on our facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/SERVPROGlenview
Raffle details: A winner will be chosen on July 3, 2019, at random from all entries made on social media that meet the criteria listed above. Selfie must be posted by July 2, 2019, 11:59pm. Each entrant can have One (1) entry per social media platform where SERVPRO of Glenview has a presence: facebook, twitter, instagram. Multiple selfies posted to one social media platform do not qualify as multiple entries. Odds of winning are dependent on the total number of entries across all three social media platforms. Cash value of the prize is US $100. Winner will be contacted through the social media used for their entry. Winner can pick up their prize at our office or request to have it mailed to them. By entering our contest, Winner consents to allow SERVPRO of Glenview to use their name, likeness, and/or social media profile link when announcing the result of our Summer Fest Raffle. Winner's information will be shared on SERVPRO of Glenview's social media pages and website. Thank you for participating! Good luck!